Fireworks in Kentucky…

kentucky2Who doesn’t love a good fireworks show?  When my husband heard about the annual Thunder over Louisville fireworks display, there was little guessing about where our next trip would be.  This time, we managed to sucker two friends into joining us for the long drive, I mean… fun.

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Baltic Cruise – 2015


When the travel bug hit again, we decided to head to Europe for a Baltic Cruise on the Disney Magic.  Our adventures took us to Denmark, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Sweden, and back to Denmark.  Because we were already “close” and had heard great things about it, we added in a trip to Iceland as well.


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Iceland – Updated Itinerary


Knowing what I know now, here’s what we *should have done* during a 3-4 day stay in Iceland, including some of the basics.

Packing List – Don’t forget your coat, hat, gloves, boots, and other cold weather gear; it’s cold even in the summertime.  You’ll also want a bathing suit so you can take a dip in the hot springs.

Airport – You’ll fly into KEF (Keflavik, also known as Reykjavik-Keflavik International Airport).  The airport is about a 45 minute drive from downtown Reykjavik.

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Iceland – 2015

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Every place I’ve traveled is different than the last, but that seems especially true in Iceland.  For us, Iceland was more about appreciating the island’s natural beauty than visiting places of historical or cultural significance.  Like always, we tried to make the most of our short trip; and like always, things didn’t always go according to plan.

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